Policies, Statements, and Reports

Click on the links below to view the policies and statements.

University of Toronto Policies, Statements, and Agreements Approved by the Governing Council

Statement of Institutional Purpose, 1992

Statement on Freedom of Speech, 1992

Policy on the Disruption of Meetings, 1992

Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment, 1994

Policy for Compulsory, Non-Academic Incidental Fees, 2003

Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Excellence, 2006

Policy on the Temporary Use of Space at the University of Toronto, 2010

Statement on Human Rights, 2012

The Memorandum of Agreement between the University of Toronto and the University of Toronto Faculty Association, amended 2016

Policy on Open, Accessible and Democratic Autonomous Student Organizations, 2016

Code of Student Conduct, revised 2019

Policy on the Recognition of Student Groups, 2020

Policy with Respect to Workplace Violence, amended 2022

Policy with Respect to Workplace Harassment, amended 2022

Institutional Statements

President’s Statement on Acts of Violence and Hate In Charlottesville, Virginia, August 2017

Statement on Free Expression, October 2016

Statement on Anti-Semitism and Racism, May 2016

President’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusion, November 2015

President’s Statement on Violence and Threats Against Women, December 2014

President’s Statement on Freedom of Expression and Diversity, February 2010

Rights with Responsibilities: President’s Statement on Freedom of Expression on Campus, February 2006

Freedom of Speech and Campus Activities, PDAD&C 46, January 2005

Upholding the Principles of Free Speech, Statement from the President, November 2003


University of Toronto – 2019 Annual Freedom of Speech Report

University of Toronto – 2020 Annual Freedom of Speech Report

University of Toronto – 2021 Annual Freedom of Speech Report

University of Toronto – 2022 Annual Freedom of Speech Report

University of Toronto – 2023 Annual Freedom of Speech Report